

Technology platform

  • International platform

    Beagle research centre for dogs and monkeys (DMRC) accredited by AAALAC

  • National platform

    National library of experimental dogs

    National key laboratory for new drug safety evaluation and research in guangzhou

    National seed center for experimental dogs

    South China new drug safety evaluation center

  • Provincial platform

    Guangdong province new research and development institutions

    Lingnan characteristic traditional Chinese medicine innovation platform

    Top 100 enterprises of science and technology service industry in guangdong province

    Guangzhou medical research institute innovation platform

    Guangdong pharmaceutical non-clinical safety research center

    Guangzhou public r&d platform for key biomedical technologies

    South China innovation traditional Chinese medicine research and development and technical service center

    Guangdong experimental animal Beagle dog germplasm resources research center

    Public (technical) service demonstration platform for small and medium-sized enterprises in guangdong province

    Guangzhou pharmaceutical key engineering technology research and development center, guangdong province

  • Municipal platform

    Beagle Quarantine Dog Training Center
    Guangzhou Science and Technology Service Industry Demonstration Enterprise
    Guangzhou Service Outsourcing Public Service Platform
    Guangzhou Controlled Release Preparation Research and Development Center
    Guangzhou New Preparation and Chinese Medicine Reevaluation Technology Platform
    Large Animal Dog and Key Laboratory of Drug Evaluation
    Guangzhou SME Public Technology Service Demonstration Platform
    Guangzhou Key Laboratory of New Drug Release Technology for Pharmaceutical Preparations
    Guangzhou Biomedical R&D “One-Stop” Technical Service Demonstration Platform
    New drug preclinical large animal safety evaluation public innovation service platform
    Biomedical research and evaluation public technology service platform in line with international standards

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